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Days 11 to 20





Day 11 - The Crown Chakra


The crown chakra is the place where you connect to the universe. From this chakra you receive cosmic energy into your energy body. The crown chakra also has the curious property of being as open or as closed as all the other lower chakras are; open all of you other chakras... and the crown is open too.

And this is all you will be doing today: opening all the other chakras in sequence and then being with your open crown chakra in meditation. Be with that and experience that.





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



Tomorrow we'll be doing something quite excitingly different. All of the good work we have done over the past 8 days with chakras is actually in preparation for some radically different energy work that we will do tomorrow.

I greatly look forward to sharing this with you then!




Day 12 - The Unified Chakra


Now that we have "done the work" of opening, healing and connecting all of our chakras, now we are ready to do something very special: unify these separate energy centers into just one chakra!





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



Doing this for the first time can open you to a truly profound spiritual experience! Indeed I still find myself being shown something new and beautiful almost every time I do this.

But a wonderful spiritual experience, is not the point of this meditation, just a happy effect. The point of us doing this is the final outcome: a single unified chakra. This ONE CHAKRA is the portal that allows unfragmented Divine Light to pass through. This is the Divine Light that this meditation series is meant to ignite. This, right here, is really the beginning of the work we can to do! And from here we can begin to work with the Divine Light itself.

Tomorrow, I will show you how to use this unified chakra and your Divine Light for spiritual protection. Until then..

P.S. I created these meditative experiences that I am sharing with you as a result of new spiritual awarenesses and insights that were taught to me by my own Inner-Self (or Divine Self) and my Spirit Guide when I was receiving the material for my first book, The Ascension Papers.

Everything was first offered to me as information, as ideas. I later took those ideas and sought was of experiencing them, of really feeling them. These meditations that I am showing you here (and the other meditations available on my website) were all borne out of that desire for a personal experience of these truths that were first taught to me in The Ascension Papers.

And so, since it is the inspiration and also the intellectual framework for all of this work, I cannot recommend strongly enough that you read The Ascension Papers if you are on an awakening and ascension journey. The ebook version is even free to download from here.

And if you have already read this book, I actually even recommend that you read it again every now and then. Even as the author, I STILL get something new from The Ascension Papers if I pick it up and read it. Because of course this information passed through me rather than from me. And inspired material very often works at many different levels of consciousness; as you awaken, so you will find yourself unlocking new insights from the same words!




Day 13 - Spiritual Protection


Today we discover a "use" for our newly unified, single, bright white Light chakra: spiritual protection. Come with me on today's journey and see how:





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



This very simple process - expanding your Light until it cleanses your aura and provides your auric shell - becomes available to you as a result of your unifying your chakras. This is now something you can do to take care of your own spiritual protection.

it doesn't protect you for the consequences of your own choices. It doesn't take from the possibility of making poor choices. But it does protect you from opportunistic interactions and attacks that you have not opened yourself to.

Do this work and see how you feel afterwards. See if you feel lighter, safer, more protected...




Day 14 - The Spiritual Sensescape


Today we discover our spiritual senses. We discover that not everyone is "visual" but that we each have our own unique inner-sense tools. In this meditation we will each explore our own mix of sense tools.

Feeling. Sensing. Knowing. Seeing. Intuiting. Perceiving. Imagining. Discovering. Creating.

These are just some of the words we might use to describe ways in which you might sense things in the spiritual realms. Curiously, when we arrive at a full understanding of what is occurring in the spiritual realms, we discover that these are all just different approaches to the very same thing. But because the human brain is very visual, our language has developed to discuss perceptions in terms of what we see. But not all of us feel like we "see things" in our meditations. Not all of us feel like "visual beings" in our spiritual journeys.

In today's meditation I help you to let go of the differences between how YOU perceive and how you thing you SHOULD perceive or how you think others expect you to perceive.





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



Today's meditation also prepares us for future work by showing you how to move energy around. In tomorrow's meditation we'll take this particular aspect a step forward...




Day 15 - Moving Prana and Light



Today, just half way into our shared month-long journey, we will already begin to really ignite the Light!

Today you should begin to really feel the power of the energies that we are working with...





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



Tomorrow we work even more powerfully with this same energy we raised today... I look forward to sharing this with you then.




Day 16 - The Prana and Light Vortex


In today's meditation we do a number of interesting things. Perhaps the most crucial is that you are, today, going to guide yourself upon your meditation!

I won't simply be tossing you in at the deep end without an guidance though... As you will discover, the previous 15 days' meditations all prepared you for this experience. You know everything you need to know to do this. You are ready to use the tools previously imparted to do this. You are ready to use sequential relaxation (Day 2) and pranic breathing (Day 3) to bring yourself into a deep state of relaxation. Your energy body is "tuned and ready" (Days 4 to 11) so that you can simply open your chakras and allow your energy to flow. Your chakras have also been unified (Day 12) so that you can work with the single Unity Chakra and can access the Bright White Light that shines from it. You have learned how to raise that Light and even how to move it around (Day 14). And I have shown you how to fuse both Prana AND Light and how to move that in a current (Day 15).


So now you really ARE ready to take this one small but crucial additional step on your own. Take yourself on this journey, raise the Prana and the Light. Move it around the circle. Allow the energy to rise up into the most powerful, mighty vortex that you and your co-creators can raise. Add your "highest good" intention to the vortex. Bring it "back" with you from the Astral to this earthly realm. And release the vortex to the Earth.

It's not mentioned in the video but sometimes the most beautiful and powerful meditative experiences actually happen after doing some major energy movement work like this. So, when it's over, sit in the stillness. See what happens.





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



Tomorrow we take another tangent and look at another "blockage issue" that might be hampering your meditative work.




Day 17 - Dealing with Disturbance and Irritation in Meditation


One of the reasons we may feel ourselves "unable to meditate" is due external disturbances, often loud, repetitive and/or irritating noises, or events and people that are presently troubling you.

Today I wish to discuss with you what to do in such circumstances that may otherwise disturb your meditations.

Rather than simply aborting your meditation, you can actually use the opportunity to master your irritation and, as a bonus, potentially also heal and transform something within yourself!





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



So these are some techniques you can apply when you cannot meditate due to "external disturbances" of any type.

Tomorrow we look at a technique for dealing with a type of "internal disturbance" that is also likely to disturb your meditations, viz: negative emotions. I look forward to showing you this tomorrow!




Day 18 - Emotions as a Blockage


Yesterday we took a look at what we can do if there is some external issue disturbing us and keeping us from meditation. Today we will look at an internal source of disturbance: emotions. Particularly "negative" emotions.

The very instance where we MOST need to meditate: when we are struggling with noisy, painful, negative emotions, is often when we are utterly unable to find the peace and stillness that we so need. Today I would like to show you how to find your way to the blissful quietude of meditation even when your emotions are in an uproar.

Indeed, when we DO make our way past the "blockage" of anxiety, grief, rage, fear - or indeed any other negative emotion - then we often find something transcendentally helpful for this part of our life's journey.





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



Tomorrow we look at emotions in a different way. A way that can be deeply transformative and energetically cleansing. I look forward to sharing this with you then...




Day 19 - Emotional Release


In today's video I introduce you to a type of meditation that I recommend that you do from time to time: "The Emotional Release Meditation", otherwise known as "Laughing and Crying Meditations".





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



Tomorrow I will be showing you how to access your own inner sacred space: Your Garden of the Heart...




Day 20 - The Garden of the Heart


Today I will be showing you to a kind of a "spiritual workshop" where you can go to do all manner of self-healing and self-discovery. The ability to visit this place is, in my view, a crucial step for anyone that wishes to do the "work" that many hope to achieve in meditation.





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



Tomorrow I will be introducing you to (perhaps) your very best friend in this world... a being whom you (almost certainly) were not even aware!






Please click here to view the Access Page for day 21 to the closing epilogue.