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Dreamer Awake!
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The latest Adamu release is:


Adamu Declares Victory!


My latest blog article is:


Dear Yoni - An interview with Lisa Picard



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Days 1 to 10




Day 1 - Welcome!


Thank you for joining me for this 30-day meditation journey!


As you shall see, we will be starting out very gently and easily and, day-by-day, building towards a set of experiences that are truly profound.


Each day for the next 30 days you are invited to return here for the next installment of this meditative journey. Each day I will be offering you guidance in the form of some text to read and a short video (or audio only if you prefer) in which you will be guided as regards that day's practice. In the beginning the meditations will only be 5 minutes long and this too will slowly build in a manageable way.


So to begin with:

Please set some time aside today. Make sure you will not be disturbed. Close the door and silence your 'phone.


Please either watch the below video or listen to just the audio track (below that), as you prefer...





You can listen to the audio here (you must have "flash" installed and enabled on your browser to use this player:

OR you can download the audio to your device by right-clicking this word: "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"

You can start and stop the audio/video as you need. So don't worry about having "everything perfect" before you begin.

As you shall discover in the recording, you will be guided as regards to your meditation space and what you need to bring to the session.

We will continue our journey tomorrow with the next step in our journey. Until then, I wish you a blissful day 1!




Day 2 - Congratulations!


Without a doubt the easiest part of beginning a positive new path in your life is to set the intention to do so. To say to yourself, "Yep, as of tomorrow, I'll begin doing this because it's A Good Idea".

And then the hardest thing is to actually show up the next day and BEGIN this new practice!

This is the basis of the New Year's Resolution Syndrome, isn't it? Deciding to do something positive and new and then... just never actually getting around to it.

So, in our case... if you actually showed up yesterday, if you actually watched the video and sat (or lay down) for the five minutes of breathing then, simple as that was, you are doing well. You are ahead of the 75% of people that won't even get out of the starting blocks. That won't get past setting their intention and won't even get to their first practice.

So that's a good start!

And each day that you arrive for our meditation session and actually sit for that day's meditation is another time you are "doing the most difficult thing". Just arriving, and sitting. That's the most difficult part. Just NOT giving up. Just NOT giving in to your own inner-self-saboteur that wants you to rather watch television or play with your 'phone... or whatever other "important" activity your Shadow comes up with.

If you keep on, simply arriving and sitting, then the rest is easy. The rest is just technique and patience. The rest will follow. And in due course you'll begin to reap the many magnificent benefits of being A Regular Meditator... and, of course, since you are on THIS journey you will also reap the incredible rewards of having YOUR Divine Light Ignite!

So, pat yourself on the back for doing "the hardest part" yesterday... and again for showing up for today's meditation... and then:




You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"


As you shall see, today's video adds a new dimension to the very simple breathing technique we learned yesterday. And this is how we shall proceed... day by day deepening the practice.

Oh - and you ARE invited to try doing the learned techniques as you go about your normal day too! See how that goes. Perhaps while you are driving or doing the dishes or whatever, try to do apply the breathing technique you learned yesterday. And then also try to move the prana around as you will learn to do today.





Day 3 - Getting into your Body


Today I want to show you one of my favorite "induction techniques". But first I need to explain what an "induction technique" is. Quite simply, before you can take yourself on a guided meditation journey, you need to prepare both your body and your brain. You need to bring both of these aspects of yourself into a still, calm, peaceful state. They both need to, in a manner of speaking, go to sleep so that your connected, creative Higher Mind can be accessed.

The induction is what we DO so that we can, thereafter, BE.

All of the induction techniques I favor have a number of benefits. They don't simply "unlock the safe door" of your psyche and let you in to the meditative space. Along the way they also invite holistic healing for your being. And if you do them with any degree of repetition they also provide a kind of subconscious training that results in improvements to your life.

Today we will simply be "getting into the body" through a process of sequential relaxation. As you will discover this is, by nature of it being profoundly relaxing, a great way to get into the meditative state. But it also tunes you into your body and in so doing begins to improve your relationship with your body. It also invites your subconscious to the awareness that the body is exactly as "spiritual" as any other part of yourself. That the path of really inhabiting and loving your body is as valid a "spiritual path" as any other. In short, this induction invites you to include your body in your spiritual journey.

So... let us begin...




You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



It might be interesting to begin to notice, with careful attention, exactly how you are feeling before each meditation:
How does your body feel?
What is your mental state?
What are your emotions doing?
And then compare this to observe changes when you "emerge" from the meditation again.

Tomorrow we begin to work more with the energy body and, in particular, with the chakras. I look forward to sharing this with you then...




Day 4 - The Sacred Inner-Heart Chakra


Today we begin to discover and work with our chakras... and in so doing begin to understand our energy body. It's just as real as your flesh-and-bone physical body but we need to fine-tune our awareness to be able to work with it.


Most of you should have at least a vague understanding of what chakras are. If not then I do suggest you do a quick internet search for "What are chakras?" and read an article or two to familiarise yourself. You will find that most sources agree with each other quite closely on the details as this is a concept that is quite well understood since ancient times already.


If you have a basic understanding then you are ready for today’s video which is intended to take you beyond intellectual concepts into direct experience.


As you will discover over the course of the next few days meditations, each chakra has its own purpose and function in your energy body, just like different organs in your physical body do. And just like physical organs, chakras can begin to function poorly if there is not good, healthy energy supply. They can become blocked and locked shut or malfunction in all manner of other ways. And so it is very important that we learn to support and maintain these organs of our energy body. And this is one benefit of getting more familiar with your chakras. Another is that, as you will later see, this is also a crucial part of bringing your Divine Light fully into this complex system of body, mind and spirit that is your incarnated being.

We begin today with the Sacred Inner-Heart Chakra. On the one hand, the most important chakra for those awakening to unity consciousness.... and on the other hand, a "secret" chakra in that it is seldom discussed or even recognized in literature on this subject. And now you are about to discover your Sacred Inner-Heart...




You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"


Tomorrow we continue to work with the chakras, deepening our awareness of the energy body and learning more about moving energy around in the body. I look forward to sharing this with you then...




Day 5 - The Outer Heart Chakra


In yesterday's meditation we connected with and opened the Sacred Inner-Heart Chakra. If you really "got it" and felt this happening in a big way then this might have been quite a profound experience for you. And if you "got it" for the very first time then this could even have been a life-changing moment for you!

If on the other hand you sat there thinking "I'm not feeling anything at all, I wonder what he was talking about..." then you're going to need a little help.

And so, in today's video I open my discussion on this topic: What it means if your Inner-Heart Chakra is closed and will not open. And what you can do about that.





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



As you shall see in this video, I suggest to you that there are things that you can do to open this secret chakra that connects you to the divine within. And they all revolve around self-love.

Because this is such an important issue that so many struggle with, I have come to realise that this is an area where I need to offer some guidance. For this reason I do hope, in due course, to release some material dealing directly with the subject of "How to Love Yourself Unconditionally".

Since I don't yet have such material available, I can, in the meantime, strongly suggest:

1. Emma's Story. A very short story written by a friend that I am offering, free for the asking, here on my website.
2. Or you could book an hour's coaching session with me. Let's talk about where you are stuck with loving yourself and allow me to offer you real, practical guidance regarding the things that you can do to take yourself step-by-step to self-love.
3. Or you could sign up for Dreamer Awake. The first module of this program is called "Heart and Mind Aligned" and it really works to connect you with your heart. With the divine within.

What I am saying is this: If you felt nothing in yesterday's meditation when we opened your Sacred Inner-Heart... no energy, no movement, nothing out of the ordinary... then this is a clear sign that you need help here. The blockage here is too dense for you to really be able to connect with your Divine Light. What I most recommend to you in such a circumstance is that you continue with this 30-day journey as you certainly will derive many of the wonderful proximal benefits of working on your meditative practice. But since it cannot be reasonably expected that you will get the ignition of the Divine Light that we are hoping to achieve for you, I recommend that you also look at other options (such as those listed above) to assist with the opening of your Heart.

Most of you sharing this journey with me would, however, have felt at least SOME of this divine, unconditional love energy flowing. If you felt even just the faintest tingle then you have something to work with and can continue the journey working with that.

In today's video I go on to talk about the power of your emotions. I indicate that these really are incredibly powerful tools that you can use to create your reality. But in order for that to be so, you need to take ownership of these tools. You need to learn not only that you CAN control and direct your emotions, but also HOW to do this... How to take this crucial step in the transformation of your being from victim-consciousness to truly awakened creator consciousness.

Fortunately I have already produced material to assist in this regard! Please take a look at Create Yourself; Create Your Life. This is also a 30-day journey, also using meditation, but VERY different from this journey that you are now on! Perhaps you may wish to do that next after completing this journey?

So there is much for you to consider and ponder as you deepen your journey into the divine.

I look forward to sharing a continued discovery of chakras and the energy body with you tomorrow!




Day 6 - The Base Chakra


Today we broaden our experience of the energy body as we connect the Inner- and Outer-Heart Chakras to the Base Chakra. We get to know and understand the Base Chakra while we open it, strengthen it and invite it to good and healthy functionality. Part of this process is also rooting ourselves in the Earth... grounding ourselves.





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



If you find you cannot connect with or open your base chakra then you are carrying some deep pain in your psyche regarding life and living. Perhaps you feel threatened by life and don't trust it. Perhaps you don't believe you deserve to be alive at all. Or some similar such very painful belief. In such a case I do strongly recommend that you work to release and transform this belief! Left alone the pain in your psyche will come to manifest as some kind of chronic physical illness. In such a case I do recommend that you find a talented energy healer to work on you or, of course, you can contact me for Life-Force Healing within a Soul Re-Integration session. What we will do together is go into your soul journey, perhaps into your past lives, to find where and how this belief arose, reintegrate the part of self that got "stuck" holding this belief and then replace this belief with a more healthy, updated one. At the same time we will also do energy healing on your base chakra to undo the harm that has been done. If this sound like something you need to do then please click here to find out more about Soul Re-Integration.

I look forward to sharing a continued discovery of chakras and the energy body with you tomorrow!




Day 7 - The Sacral Chakra


Today we work with the sacral chakra.





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



The sacral chakra relates to the instinctive wisdom of Life. In our case, as human beings, it is very much about body intelligence. If you have difficulties and "issues" in your sacral chakra then this almost certainly pertains to your relationship with the human form. This can arise in many ways: perhaps from painful programming from your parents when you were a child, perhaps from painful past-life experiences, etc. But, whatever the case, we DO need to make friends with and learn to love THIS form, the body you are in right now.


If this is your struggle then it is my hope that today’s meditation will begin to assist in healing this painful blockage.


If you find yourself stuck here then, by all means, contact me for a coaching conversation.


I look forward to sharing a continued discovery of chakras and the energy body with you tomorrow!




Day 8 - The Solar Plexus Chakra


The solar plexus chakra is the centre of the "separate self", otherwise known as the "ego persona". Today we discover and open the solar plexus chakra, connecting it to the base and sacral chakras. This opens the way to an unconditional love exchange between the Divine Self and the separate self, between the sacred inner-heart chakra and the solar plexus chakra. A truly sublime meditation ensues...





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



Tomorrow we continue our journey with an exploration of the throat chakra.




Day 9 - The Throat Chakra


The throat chakra relates to expression: what you say and do in this world. In today's meditation we will be opening this chakra and connecting it with the rest our our energetic system.





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"


I find the throat chakra is an area of concern for many starseeds and light-bringers. Anyone that comes into this part of this reality, this place of deep density and complete forgetting, is very likely to have wounded and blocked their throat chakra. This is so because many (most? all?) of us will have arrived in this reality with our divine connection in place, with a deep willingness to help, to heal, to guide, to teach. And many of us have been silenced, often brutally, violently and abusively silenced. Silenced by those whose grip on the reins of temporal power in this world was threatened by our expressions. Silenced in such a way that we then came to believe that we really should never again express ourselves fully in this reality.

And so now, as we arrive in the beginnings of the new age in which the Light is rising, in which it IS right for us to express ourselves again, so we often feel stuck and "just cannot" do as we feel called to do. We keep ourselves small. We keep our expressions inconsequential. We do a job instead of expressing our divine purpose. We hide our Selves from ourselves. And all this as a result of a blockage in the throat chakra brought on by past trauma.

See how far you can go in releasing YOUR throat chakra blockages today. See if you feel you are "okay and on track"... or if you need help with this. If you do, I can certainly suggest Soul Re-Integration as perhaps the most powerful tool for healing this kind of trauma.

Tomorrow we continue to work with our chakras...




Day 10 - The Third Eye


The third eye chakra relates to psychic gifts, intuition and spiritual guidance. At higher levels of consciousness it also relates to the projection of your reality.





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



This chakra is often challenged and blocked for similar reasons to that of the throat chakra: as a result of shocking and painful experiences in this lifetime or, especially in lifetimes past, we come to believe that we should close access to this "magical" resource. Perhaps we accessed our psychic gifts and things didn't work out as we anticipated. Perhaps, as a result of displaying a special ability to others they placed us on a pedestal, and we then allowed our egos to get twisted out of shape as we came to believe we were "more special than" those around us (this blog post with Adamu is apropos here). Perhaps, as a result of us displaying a special ability we found ourselves in conflict with "authorities" and were silenced and tortured. Perhaps we didn't know how to manage this tool and simply found ourselves utterly overwhelmed with the psychic noise and chaos of this world and shut it to find some peace and sanity.


There are many different ways in which an open third eye gets pounded shut by this world.And none of them are fun. All of them result in a firm commitment to keeping it tightly shut afterwards.

And, of course, that decision, the experiences that sponsored it and the beliefs that resulted from it are a source of pain and harm. Spiritual, emotional, relational and physical harm WILL inevitably arise if you block up and lock shut ANY chakra. So you can't just leave it shut like that!

And then too, this is now. This is not then. This is a time of ever accelerating rising of the Light. This is no longer a time of moving further into the darkness of duality. Now is the time to open yourself to the Light and to SHINE. Now is the time to open your third eye.

Today's meditation is intended to help you with this issue but, as always, if you need help with this, please do contact me for Soul Re-Integration.

Tomorrow we bring our work with our chakras to a close...






Please click here for the Access Page for days 11 to 20.