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Guided Journey #2: Your Sacred Temple


zingdad chakras small

One of the most profound spiritual experiences I have had came as a result of a hypnotherapy session in which I was taken to my own personal Sacred Temple. As a result of returning there a few times in deep meditation I have come to understand a few things about the Sacred Temple:

1.  We each have one.
2.  It is a safe place we have created within our own spirit-mind where we can go for healing, love, guidance or simply to bask in God-Light.
3.  The space is sacred to us and only we can decide who may enter there.  As such it is a really safe place to do spiritual work unhindered by interference from unwelcome spirit beings.
4.  As we are able to welcome our Spirit Family (our Spirit Guides, Guardians and Gate-Keepers, Angels and Spirit-Partners and other Light-Family) into this place it also becomes a wonderful meeting space where we can join with them in doing healing work and ask them for help, guidance and protection.

I have found that it really is a wonderful gift to know of this place and be able to visit it at will.  So much so that I’ve created this second Guided Journey meditation to help you to access your own Sacred Temple where you can also spend time with your Soul Family.

In order to facilitate your journey to your Sacred Temple I also include in this particular Guided Journey a chakra cleansing, opening and balancing process to kick start the journey.  If you are unfamiliar with chakras, what they are and how they work then I include a diagram in the form of an original Zingdad artwork which helps to illustrate their positions.  You CAN do the Guided Journey without knowing much about chakras but if this is all new to you then I do suggest that you first take a little time to learn about them first.  There are many books on the subject and certainly a quick “googling” will reveal a wealth of info.  In the briefest of terms: chakras are the energy portals that connect our various energetic and physical bodies together.  Understanding them and learning how to use the energy that is there – as well as the kundalini energy which connects them – is a very powerful spiritual tool.


Included in this Guided Journey is an opportunity for you to receive a specific and personal message from your Spirit Guide - this would be anything that you really need to hear from your guide right now. This alone would make this Guided Journey worth doing!

This second guided journey builds on the experience of the first Guided Journey and it is recommended that you ideally do that one first.


To Purchase

Simply click on the PayPal button below and I will email you the guided meditation package within 24 hours. Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries.


What you will get

You will be downloading a zip file which will include:

1. An audio recording in MP3 format,

2. Cover art - a piece of original Zingdad fractal art that goes with the recording

3. A text file - the "read me file" with instructions for how to use this item. PLEASE read this file before listening to the MP3.


Almost all computers can now open zip archives as a standard feature. If yours cannot then you can download 7-Zip for Windows for free here. iPad and Android users are advised to visit their respective app stores for a free Zip app.


I’d be very interested in hearing from you once you have completed this Guided Journey – I’d love to hear what you experienced, what your temple is like, what your Spirit Family is like and what they told you - so PLEASE come back and leave a comment!


I trust this Guided Journey will bring you much joy...






Guided Journey #2

Your Sacred Temple



Price: $9.99

Please note: I will email you your meditation package within 24 hours of your purchase.






Special Offer!   Special Offer!  Special Offer!


This meditation should ideally be experienced together and in sequence with

the Open Your Heart and Your Question Answered guided meditations.

It is my pleasure, therefore to offer these three meditations for the price of two!



Guided Journeys #1, 2 & 3

Open Your Heart,visit Your Sacred Temple and have Your Question Answered



Normal Price: $29.97

Special Price: $19.98

Please note: I will email you your triple meditation package within 24 hours of your purchase.






Best Possible Value Offer!   Best Possible Value Offer!


Take the guided meditation journey of a lifetime. Get all 9 of my guided meditations!

Do them sequentially and allow them to build, one on top of the other to experience

these awakening, life-changing journeys as I did, in the order I did.

This is, ideally, the way I'd like you to experience them

and so I'd like you to own the whole set for half price!



All 9 Guided Journeys!

Open Your Heart,visit Your Sacred Temple and have Your Question Answered

Then visit The Healing Room and go deeper into healing by Healing your Physical Pain

and Releasing your Emotional Pain

Then discover your Sacred Inner-Heart before Journeying to the 6th Dimension

and, finally, find yourself Standing in the Light of the Divine.



Normal Price: $89.91

Special Price: $44.95

Please note: I will email you a link to download your meditation collection within 24 hours of your purchase.


