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Dreamer Awake!
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The latest Adamu release is:


Adamu Declares Victory!


My latest blog article is:


Dear Yoni - An interview with Lisa Picard



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Awaken YOUR Genius

Guided Meditation Pack



Genius is NOT what you think it is!


Genius is NOT a state of ‘high IQ’, as we have been taught to believe.


Genius is NOT an accident of fortuitous genetics for the lucky few. 


Genius IS your birthright!


It is the brilliance of YOU


The natural state of being when You and your Divine Self operate as One. 


Genius is a state of:


limitless potential,


ultimate creative freedom,


divine inspiration,


and radical empowerment.


Even though this heightened state is our natural state, most of us are NOT living in our Genius. 


Instead, we struggle with ourselves and our worlds. We struggle to find solutions to life’s difficult problems. We struggle, struggle, struggle…


and we forget who we are entirely.


Divine Being, it is time to remember who you are, and what you are capable of.


Genius is something that is already within you. 

It only waits for you to awaken it. 


For this purpose, I have created two, very special, guided meditations to help you to do just that. These simple tools will assist you as you journey towards awakening and remembering your Genius. 


(If, however, you feel ready for a more intense deep-dive into Genius, please see the Divine Self Activation page.) 

How The Genius Meditations Work


The Genius meditations are two exquisitely crafted guided meditations which utilize binaural beat technology to help encourage the shift from your habitual consciousness to a state of Genius.   


(Binaural beats are fast becoming popular world-wide for their ability to shift brain waves and create measurable higher states of consciousness.)


The meditations work to align the two hemispheres of your brain – your creative / intuitive / feeling side and your logical / rational / reasoning side.


This aligns your heart with your mind, connecting your Divine Self with your ego-self, and closing the gap between them.


This is the secret to awakening your Genius. 


Theta Meditation

The Theta meditation is a closed-eye experience which shows you how to access your spirit of Genius. Arn gently guides you into a state of deep relaxation, where you journey within yourself and into the presence of your Inner Divine Self. During this journey, you are busy creating a spiritual and neural pathway to Genius and learning how to be in communion with your own divine nature.  


Alpha Meditation 


The second meditation is a tool for practicing your Genius. This open-eyed journey brings Genius out from the meditation chair and into the action of everyday life. You will learn how to live in Genius whilst actively engaging in your daily activities. From here on out, you understand how to access your Genius anytime and anywhere, regardless of what you are doing. 


*For the best results, it is recommended to listen to both meditations more than once, starting with the Theta. Please be sure to use headphones.  







Guided Journey Collection #3

Awaken YOUR Genius


Including two guided meditation recordings:
The gamma brain-wave meditation for deep relaxation

The alpha brain-wave meditation to listen to with eyes open and active.



Price: $25 USD

Please note: I will contact you via your Paypal email address
within 24 hours of your purchase to deliver your meditations.




