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Day 21 to Epilogue





Day 21 - Meet Your Body-Spirit


Perhaps the single most helpful thing I have encountered in my quest for physical health and vitality is the discovery of a consciousness whose purpose is to manage my body. I call this the "body-spirit".

It is tragically confusing that SO few others are writing about (or speaking about) this since it is SUCH a powerful awareness. Discovering this changed everything for me in relating to my body. And as I bring this awareness to my clients I often see the same kind of powerful transformation.

And so today I am sharing this with you too since sufficiently problematic "body issues" certainly could be a block (or part of a block) against igniting your Divine Light. And though the whole subject of "body issues" is far to vast and complex to deal with in one quick meditation, we certainly can take a HUGE step in the direction of wellness by beginning to relate anew to your body by becoming conscious of your body-spirit, engaging It in conversation, loving It, respecting It and learning to work WITH It instead of against It.





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



Tomorrow we'll be doing something quite excitingly different. All of the good work we have done over the past 8 days with chakras is actually in preparation for some radically different energy work that we will do tomorrow.

I greatly look forward to sharing this with you then!




Day 22 - Meet Your Spirit-Guides


If there is ONE spirit-being you really should be in contact with in an ascending lifetime, then it is your own spirit guide (or perhaps you have many guides?).

Today I am offering you a meditation crafted specifically to assist you to meet your guides:





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



Tomorrow we will have a powerful experience in the Garden of the Heart. Tomorrow we step right into the Light of the Divine!




Day 23 - Into the Light...


Today we go into the Light in the centre of your Garden of the Heart...





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



Tomorrow we will again return to the Garden to do some more of our soul's work...




Day 24 - Soul Contracts


Today we start where we left off yesterday. You will be taking yourself into the Garden and into the Light. From this place you will be able to perceive your incarnations. And once you are there, you will be able to access the soul-contracts that still bind you. When you are aware of them, then you can decide to release them. Some contracts serve you and should be retained. Most of us have numerous contracts still in force despite the fact that they no longer serve us. As a result these contracts result in pain and suffering in our lives.

Today I wish to show you how to release such contracts.





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



Soul contract work can be quite complex and confusing. Sometimes one contract has many sub-clauses and codicils which means it cannot easily and simply be released. Sometimes you can only resolve a particular contract AFTER first releasing another. And so on... The point is, you certainly will be able to release yourself from many (or most or perhaps even all) of your contracts by the simple mechanism I have outlined above. But in all probability you will have at least a few contracts that will require a more delicate, nuanced approach.

If you encounter a contract that you cannot right now release, you can simply put it aside and work on some other contracts that ARE ready to be released now. You can then choose to open yourself to greater awareness and divine guidance as to how you might release that contract. Or, of course, you might approach a pscyho-spiritual healer, like myself, to help you to release the more "sticky" contracts.




Day 25 - Soul Re-Integration


One of my "great gifts" that I have to give to Life here on Earth is Soul Re-Integration. This is how we heal the soul of it's wounds in the spiritual realms. I came into this life with the deep, hidden memory of how to do this. This "how" is a jewel of my Soul that I earned by offering this kind of healing over and over again in different settings, at different levels of this reality and, indeed, in other realities beyond this one.

The point is, this is not something that I believe one can be taught quickly. It's not a "simple technique" that you can learn and apply! But for all that the basic, fundamental principal can certainly be shown. And simply applying this principal will certainly work to re-integrate SOME lost soul fragments! And so, today, I would like to show you this very principal. I hope you have great success in today's meditation in bringing some lost aspect of yourself Home to the Oneness of your soul.





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



Perhaps it goes without saying but, if you get stuck with this and need help, please book your Soul Re-Integration sessions with me here...




Day 26 - Into the Light...


Today we start again in the Light in the Garden of the Heart. And today we allow ourselves to surrender to the Light and allow it to carry us upwards into higher frequencies of consciousness.





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



There is much that we can gain from allowing ourselves to be one with the Light - and today we are going to do something quite useful with this experience - but really, it is the act of surrendering to the Light itself that is the purpose of this meditation. Just BEING there is the point!




Day 27 - Unconditional Love


Instead of finding each other in the Garden as we have been, today I will be guiding you, step by step, to expressing unconditional universal love.

And to express is to experience.

See what this meditation brings to you...





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



With just three days to go, we will be changing direction tomorrow as we move out of closed-eyed meditation that seems to happen "inside" of our minds into open-eyed meditation that seems to happen "outside" in the world.




Day 28 - With Eyes Wide Open...


Today we experience open eyed meditation together. This, in itself, is a good practice but, as I shall discuss in today's video, this also opens the door to meditating anywhere, anytime, even while engaged in various activities. Moving meditation becomes possible.





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



Tomorrow we will be experiencing a particular "moving meditation" together in preparation for our final day.




Day 29 - Preparing Your Space


Since we learned about open-eyed meditation yesterday and are therefore able to do moving meditations, today I invite you into the "doing meditation" of preparing your space for tomorrow's final meditation in this series.


Please do this?


Please don't fall for your Shadow's enticements to avoid really properly engaging with today's "doing meditation"?

I know how it goes; your Shadow will tell you all kinds of stories like...
"I already cleaned my space just yesterday", or,
"I'll just do a quick tidy, that's good enough", or,
"I hate cleaning and it's not REALLY necessary", or...


You get the idea.


Because if you do, you will not only miss out on the minor benefit of properly preparing your space for tomorrow, you will also miss out on the major benefit of actually experiencing the magic of meditating while "doing chores". Of seeing that even doing chores can be a spiritual act.


Today's meditation is not just an accidental thing. It teaches you that EVERYTHING is spiritual when YOU bring that mindset to it. It frees you from the idea that "this is spiritual and that is not".


Try it!





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"



And thus prepared we are ready for what tomorrow's meditation will bring!




Day 30 - Divine Light Ignite


Perhaps today is "the day"?

Perhaps in today's meditation something special happens for you. Perhaps you "feel" something amazing happening.

But perhaps not.

Meditation is a wonderful master. It teaches so much. And some of the greatest things it teaches include humility and patience. If you bring a demanding, insisting attitude to your meditations, then your mind is too full of what cannot be. You will sit there in growing irritation as "nothing happens".

If you understand that you go into meditation to sit in stillness, to BE, then, as "nothing happens" you will feel blessed and rewarded. Because "nothing happening" is exactly the point of meditation! And then in that nothingness, a divine somethingness may occur.

There is, you see, no way to DO meditation. No way to accomplish this thing called meditation. Now way to achieving the result of meditating.

All you can do is to keep showing show up, keep holding the space, keep clearing the obstacles to stillness and then... as you go... meditation happens to you!








These things steal over your mind and soul. And sometimes, like an unexpected lover arriving in the night, the Divine touches your experience and you are, in a moment, utterly transformed. Sometimes, without reason or warning, you see, you feel, you KNOW the presence of the Divine. Sometimes, when you least expect it, you forget for a moment that you are pretending to be this human person and, standing in the Light of the Divine you know you are that Light!

So, no, I have no promises to give that anything special will happen to you today in this meditation. But I have have shone some of the jewels of my own soul on the path for you to light your way. I have shared what I can to prepare you, to help you to clear your blockages and to invite you into the good habit of a regular practice.

Now it is time for you to "meet yourself in meditation and see what happens..."





You can listen to the audio here:

or download it by right-clicking the word "download" and then selecting "save as" or "save link as"







About a month after completing the creation of Divine Light Ignite I finally felt called to add the epilogue to this journey. A final "thank you" and wrap-up from me.




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