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Adamu Declares Victory!


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The Ascension Papers, Book 1


It looks like a book. It feels like a book. It even smells like a book!


But it isn't a book.


This... is an invitation! An invitation to step into the power of your divine, limitless self! To move into right relationship with all that you truly are, and therefore into right relationship with all of life. If you accept this invitation, then you'll be able to join in the co-creation of the most wondrous future reality imaginable... a whole new life in a whole new world in a grand, golden age! An age in which we all know that we are One with each other, One with Life, One with the planet and One with the Divine. An age in which we are all awakened to our true Creator-Nature.


We are the ones we have been waiting for!


So... what are you still waiting for?


The Ascension Papers is your invitation. Are you ready to accept it?

Could this be YOUR journey Home?


This is the life-changing book that has brought joy to the hearts of thousands of readers the world over. Fully revised and substantially re-written this much anticipated, much requested 3rd Edition operates at a whole higher frequency of consciousness than previous editions. And here it is now, available in beautifully bound paperback and in all the major e-book formats.


If you are ready for a shift in perspective, then this book WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!


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Please feel free to contact me if you have difficulties with the download.


As useful and versatile as an e-book is, many people (including myself!) really DO like the luxury of holding a "real" book in their hands. And then too, since the content of this book is available for free for all that need it (in e-book form), buying a softcover copy is a way in which those that wish to say "thank you" to me for my energy and efforts may do so.


This is, if I say so myself, a beautiful book. It is beautifully bound, the cover is gorgeous and the printing is of the highest quality. I have worked exceptionally hard to make sure that this book will be an absolute pleasure for you to read!


This 3rd Edition version of The Ascension Papers, Book 1 is available at all major online booksellers. I can recommend making your purchase from here on Amazon or from here at Barnes and Noble.


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What Others are Saying About The Ascension Papers

Once you have read The Ascension Papers then I invite you to return and add your impressions and experiences of The Ascension Papers, Book 1. If you'd like to do so then the instructions are WAAAAAY at the bottom of all the comments below.


Here follows a selection of the comments I have received from readers just like you:


One of the must beautiful books ever written. Finding so many answers to much thought out questions is just incredible. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart

- Gregorio


Hi Arn,

I just finished book 1 of the Ascension Papers this morning. Wow, it was a wonderful, affirming and growth inducing read.

I read it like I used to read novels, wanting to end at the end of the chapter because 3D life called and then finding I so very much wanted to find out what the next chapter revealed. So, I stayed up late, didn't do "things" so I could continue to read and grow and know.

I cried more than once as I read your book, it so resonated with me, it was a warm soft cry of remembering.

Thank you.

I want to let you know about the part of your book that hooked me. The drama triangle. I am a social worker and years ago I went to an excellent training on transactional analysis and learned about what they call the Steve Karpmann Drama triangle. I have used that as a tool for myself and those I work with many many times. When I read about that in your book, I knew just knew to the very core of my being that I can trust you and what you write. I look forward to continuing my journey with you, Adamu, 8, and JD. I signed up for the newsletter and after I return from vacation I will continue my journey with you and your team and my team. Thank you Arn for listening to your heart, living through your heart and sharing the journey. I feel a new level of peace and joy and hope.

With much gratitude,



Zingdad, I'd like you to know how much I'm enjoying and appreciating your work. It has been exciting and refreshing to discover and read it. It's like the "user manual" that I never received at birth (or I misplaced it).

I have great respect and appreciation for the clarity and quality of information that you are receiving and sharing. There is an enormous amount of channeled information available, but the majority is vague and doesn't always feel true. I'm impressed with the level of communication that you have with all three of the beings that you are working with. They seem willing to answer with honesty and clarity any question that you ask of them (and you ask some good ones). It's refreshing. In reading your material, I've found "missing pieces" that have helped me to connect the dots (and I know that you know the joy of that). There are many of us 'out here' who are hungry for the truth. I'd like to express a personal appreciation to you for whetting our appetite with some true nourishment.

- David from California


AAAhhhhhhhhhhh...What JOY!! These books have given me the realization that I can be in joy on this earth! What an amazing gift! Thank you so much for following your heart and writing/ channeling these books! These words are empowering me to rewrite my life on earth! Finally, freedom is offered to us stuck in the quagmire of victim/tyrant/rescuer triangle.
Ahhhhh, in Joy and LOVE!!

- Laurie from Wisconsin


This is indeed an astounding work. It may even be the most important piece of channeling given to us since Jane Robert's books.
Like the Seth material, The Ascension Papers is deep, dense, witty, packed full of exalting, mesmerizing information delivered through an always honest, wise, respectful and compassionate voice.

And at the same time, this work is also unique in its willingness to reveal more about humanity and our reality than ever was, as if Zingdad's friends had a more "relaxed" agenda, more leeway in the giving of information.

- Trisagion


To say this book had a profound effect on me is to sell it short by a galactic mile.


It’s simply a conversation with a guy and his unseen friends, but what a conversation it is! At each step I found myself wondering exactly what Zingdad was wondering, then finding the answers thought provoking and profound. Definitely worth many more reads. Thank you Zingdad and friends for this wonderful invitation to see life from a totally different perspective. I accept!

- Karen S. from Oregon


A rare and important gem! This book caused a delicious stir of the miraculous in my life. And the wisdom to know I created it through attraction...


Some of the concepts are not new, yet presented in a way that, for me, made them sink from a cognitive level (where they have lurked since I started my spiritual journey 12 years ago) straight into the very cells of my body. They have solidified into my being, my approach to Life. The writing is contemporary, relevant, a voice for NOW in this era of global uncertainty and hopeless human fumbling.


For those craving "proof" of the logical kind, The Ascension Papers will surprise and trip up your what-ifs; there was not a single question that arose for me in relation to this work, that Zingdad and Friends did not proceed to answer shortly thereafter. There were even parts where I would start out with a "yeh right" kind of feeling and then proceed to embrace it with tears rolling down my cheeks, moved by the Spirit that shines THROUGH this book, regardless of the author.


My partner's life went through a revolution as a result of the reading of this book almost year ago and he has since made incredible life changes in order to be able to personally attend an Ascension School series with Zingdad himself. Even my teenage daugther drew a pictorial model of the key concepts that entranced her as we discussed them. We often re-read sections, discuss it with friends and argue points in book clubs. This book is a part of our lives now.


The Ascension Papers is a delightful mix of Spirit and Mind and explains, in part, why Zingdad's following is blossoming around the world. Despite his insistence that he is no master, no teacher. He is.


If you are ready for your soul and life to evolve a step or more, get this book now!

- Lenore Peters from South Africa


The information in this book is invaluable. My understanding of (and therefore compassion for) the human condition, and this reality we're in, rose exponentially and I'm one heck of a happier person because of this. Thank you.

- Robin from the UK


Thank you so much for all that you have been sharing. I bought your book, "The Ascenion Papers," a week ago and I should have reading of the book completed tomorrow. What can I say? Wow. Job well done. The material presented is deeply probative and useful and explained in very easy-to-understand language. I wish I had this book 25 years ago when I started my spiritual quest in earnest. I told someone the other day here in Panama that it was my opinion one would be ready for ascension just by reading, digesting and applying what is in your book. I look forward to book two...

- Armaugh from Panama


I am thoroughly enjoying the new version; Wende and I both feel like even though we read the first one, and parts of this one are the same, we are having a completely new experience of it. I suppose that goes along with the idea that nothing stays the same, that we are not the same, so even if the book were, well, you get the point. Thank you so much for sharing these discussions, they are mind-blowing for sure!

- Karen from California