New & Exciting

The latest - and most exciting - additions to this website include:


Dreamer Awake


Dreamer Awake!
All three modules of Dreamer Awake! are now available!


The final module, The Tools of Creation, is now open for enrolment!



Adamu Speaks New2


All of Adamu's materials, including written works and videos are available here. These articles will later be published as Book 3 of The Ascension Papers.


The latest Adamu release is:


Adamu Declares Victory!


My latest blog article is:


Dear Yoni - An interview with Lisa Picard



Who's Online

We have 405 guests and no members online

The Awakening Quest


Welcome awakening soul.


If you’ve found your way here, then you are right on time! 


We’ve been expecting you. That’s right. YOU. 


Something huge is about to happen. Something is happening as we speak.

Perhaps you’ve been feeling this for a while…?


A stirring deep within your soul? A longing in your heart? 

Or perhaps a growing suspicion that things just aren’t what they seem on the surface? 


Well, you were right. 


If you’ve found your way here, then it is no accident. You are being invited to participate in one of the most magnificent reality experiments in the universe!



The content you will find upon this quest may be shocking or triggering. You may question everything you thought you knew about your reality. Or, it may confirm ideas that have already entered your awareness.


By continuing on this quest, you acknowledge these potential risks–


  • You may begin to consciously create your reality
  • You may feel strong emotions or triggering 
  • Your world-view may fall apart / your beliefs may be challenged 
  • You might become a Self-Responsible Soul
  • You might have a spiritual awakening
  • You may become a conspiracy connoisseur
  • You may fall down a rabbit hole
  • You might have symptoms of being ONE with all things
  • You might exit the matrix
  • Your friends and family may think you’re totally bonkers
  • You might discover a whole planet-spanning TRIBE of like-minded adventurers. You may even end up JOINING that tribe!
  • You may be inclined to wear a tin-foil hat. And you might not even be alone in that!


;) Jokes aside, please be Self-Responsible about your information consumption. Keep an open mind. Discern for yourself what is true for you. Test your theories. Do your own research. Be mindful of your biases and your fears. Be courageous.


Not everyone will understand you or agree with you, and that’s okay. They don’t need to. 

You also may not agree with everything that is presented here. That’s okay too. 


Follow your own path. Find your own truth. 


For more information on what it means to be “Self-Responsible” check out this article on the frequencies of consciousness.


The Awakening Quest




Have you ever wondered why things are so crazy in the world right now? Why are people so divided? Is there someone behind it all, and if so, why? What is our purpose here? How about magic, does magic exist? Are we alone in the universe? Is there a spiritual reality? How can I make a difference? What does the future hold? Are we all doomed?!


Join Zingdad, his spirit guides, and your fellow adventurers on an awakening quest. Piece by piece, we will be answering these deep questions and unveiling the greatest mystery of our time – that of our very own reality.


Who is Zingdad? A spiritual healer, an ascension guide, an author and most of all, someone who feels powerfully called to help awakening souls to find their path. Find out more by reading his bio here


If you are ready to dive right in, then I highly recommend reading this book: “The Ascension Papers.” Download the e-book version for free from here (paperback also available). Get it for free in any one of eight other major world languages from here.  


Puzzle Pieces

puzzlepieceYou have found your way here because you found a Puzzle Piece. Collect all the Puzzle Pieces to unveil the full story. Find yourself on an amazing and empowering journey into Creator Consciousness.


Since social media has proven that it will be willing to attempt to silence voices it doesn’t approve of, most Puzzle Pieces will be dropped on Zingdad’s X channel, as well as Rumble, and the Zing-Goggles Telegram chat. These outlets appear to be present lower potential for us being “cancelled,” or shadow banned for releasing this information. But, just in case, we most highly recommend subscribing to our Newsletter to never miss a Puzzle Piece - and to continue the awakening journey. 


You can also check back to this page every two weeks for updates.