New & Exciting

The latest - and most exciting - additions to this website include:


Dreamer Awake


Dreamer Awake!
All three modules of Dreamer Awake! are now available!


The final module, The Tools of Creation, is now open for enrolment!



Adamu Speaks New2


All of Adamu's materials, including written works and videos are available here. These articles will later be published as Book 3 of The Ascension Papers.


The latest Adamu release is:


Adamu Declares Victory!


My latest blog article is:


Dear Yoni - An interview with Lisa Picard



Who's Online

We have 208 guests and no members online

 The Dark Elite "Illuminati" Exposed

- How their hidden hands control you -


This is Puzzle Piece 2 of the Awakening quest! 


In this video Adamu gives a broad overview of who the Dark Elite are and how they operate. He begins to deconstruct the DESC (or Dark Elite System of Control). This is part of a series in which Adamu begins from the beginning, explaining it all in detail for everyone to understand - even those new to all this material.


Over the course of this series a full and complete picture will emerge helping you to understand that the big story is not, in the final analysis, about the Dark Elite. It's about you and your awakening. It is strongly recommended that you sign up for our free monthly newsletter (at ) to remain updated as new puzzle pieces (and other releases) are dropped. We never know when our message might be silenced! Please note this presentation is audio only from 2:30mins in.