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Coronavirus - Part 4 - a time of choosing...

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Part 4 of a multi-part series in which Adamu speaks on the Coronavirus.  Please find the video below with the full text transcript below that.



In this latest release from Adamu he begins by discussing the forthcoming American presidential election 2020 before moving on to talk about the Coronavirus pandemic. He shares some very interesting new information including talking abut a new strain of the coronavirus that acts like a "domesticated strain" such as they see in the Pleiades. This is crucial "don't panic" information from Adamu!


Adamu also mentions that we will now begin holding "live events" to begin to work together on our collective awakening and enlightenment. 



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Corona Virus part 4 - A time of Choosing

Presented by Arn "Zingdad" Allingham

© Arn Allingham, 9 Oct 2020


Greetings to you, my friends. I am Adamu of the monadic entity of the Pleiadian civilisation, and I am speaking to you, as always, through my trusted friend and scribe, Zingdad.


As always, what I would like to be speaking to you about is your awakening, the elevation of your consciousness, your enlightenment. And what I am going to speak to you about is the related topics of your elections and the Corona virus and then I'm going to invite you to an interaction where we can really begin to talk about awakening and ascension.


So... elections. This is not normally a topic that I would wish to address with you. We, as the Pleiadian collective, are not normally particularly interested in the political theatre that occurs here on planet earth, because normally you are being presented with a collection of choices that are always still just fronts for the global elite, the dark cabal, the Illuminati... whatever we are calling them. Well, as of now, I find I am choosing to call them the "Delete", the "Dark Elite", busy being erased from this position of de facto leadership of the planet. Busy losing that status. Therefore, the "Delete".


The elections now, in the United States, are interesting, in that this is something more than the usual political theatre. This is actually a battle, a litmus test, I suppose one could say, in the battle between two levels of consciousness. On the one hand we have the "Delete" and their deep desire to put a cap on the elevation of consciousness. To disallow humanity from rising from third density to much beyond fourth. The fourth density of consciousness is the density of other-responsibility. At the fourth density of consciousness you are willing to place an other on a pedestal and to say, "You lead me, you teach me, you tell me what to do." And the "Delete" offer you idols to place on those pedestals, in the form of all of their useful tools. In the form of press, the figures of authority that appear on the news. In the form of their politicians and they make a business of possessing politicians, of buying them in a variety of ways, of controlling them, of manipulating them. Entertainment... they make a business of making sure that entertainment fits within their agenda and that the stars that you worship, your stars of entertainment, are also agents under their control. Are also possessed. And it goes deeper than that. They have been working for quite some time now to make sure that they are in control of educators, of scientists, and as always, pastors and popes, religious authorities, wherever they can, they strive to take ownership and possess and control, through a network of manipulation and control, anybody who might be seen to be somebody who would be an authority.


And so they block your consciousness from rising above other-responsibility and then they tell you who you must give your responsibility, your authority, to. And you do. And so you are led like lambs to the slaughter. You are taught and trained and controlled and manipulated. And a substantial section of human population continues to be manipulated and controlled in this way. Their consciousness continues to be held at that level, fourth density and lower, other-responsibility and lower.  But the awakening that is occurring through a variety of agencies, starseeds, light bringers, beings of higher consciousness incarnating here, iteratively, going through the pain of the shattering and now, at this time awakening, now at this time bringing new light into the human noösphere, helping you to awaken above 4D, to 5D and above, which is the consciousness of self-responsibility. And above 6D is unity consciousness. But, already at the level of self-responsibility, you look to your own authority. You look to your connection to the Divine that you find within yourself. And if you find the connection to the Divine within yourself, you're very unlikely to place others on pedestals. You're very unlikely to simply follow like a sheep. You become self-motivated. You know who you are. You know what's true for you and when you see these talking heads on television, these authority figures, you listen to what they say and you start to see through the lies. You start to look more broadly for your sources of information. You start to find alternative streams of information and you have your own filter in place. You say, "This is true and that is not. I'll go with this and that doesn't resonate for me." Self-responsibility dawns.


And what's happening right now in America... I say it's a litmus test of the battle between these two types of consciousness because the other-responsible are clearly playing the game according to the "Delete's" wishes. They're engaged in all kinds of dirty tricks. In all kinds of voter fraud. Creating maximum pain and chaos. Really promoting a story in your collective consciousness that everything is going to hell and that you need to get back on the bandwagon. You need to again begin to follow the leadership that is being offered to you, that the "Delete" support, or else life will become completely untenable.


So, this is what is going on right now and it's very interesting to notice that you definitely do seem to be moving strongly towards the self-responsible timeline. When we notice that less and less of you are believing the press: something like two thirds of all respondents to a recent survey in the United States said that they find the press to be largely not believable. About one third said utterly unbelievable. So, these kinds of indications are interesting. It will be very interesting to see what actually happens with the election, because now, as with the last election in the United States, it is a test of consciousness, but now it really matters. Those of you who have been watching carefully, those of you who have been using alternative media sources, will know that the last four years of the present Presidency have really been about putting everything in place, preparation for a seismic shift in the political landscape, in what has been happening in American politics, because there has been so much dirty business and all of this is going to be brought to the surface. It's going to be quiet a shock for many, for those who have been attached to their other-responsible position. We see what is coming is that if you stay in the self-responsible timeline, a big shock for the other-responsibles, an opportunity for grand awakening and they may take it or they may not. It will be interesting.


I don't want to say a lot more about the elections. They are important if you are in America; if you are an American citizen; if you are able to vote, well, make your choice appropriately. But I'm sure you already are. So this is more of just an update.


What's also very interesting at the moment is what's occurring with the Corona virus pandemic. What I wish to say is this, my friends. First of all, the Corona virus is a manufactured virus. Again, if you've been reading behind the scenes, this won't come as a surprise for you at all. It's a manufactured virus. It was produced in a laboratory and it's not very difficult to guess which that laboratory was. What's interesting is that the production of this virus was financed by the "Delete" through their agents, their tools, their minions, paid for the development of this virus. the purpose of this virus really just comes down to one thing. Why would they manufacture this virus? They always have a number of purposes that will serve, but the primary purpose was just this: to make earth humanity clamour, beg for a vaccine. That's the overriding, number one purpose: to make you beg for a vaccine. Why do they want you to beg for a vaccine? They want to be able to, universally, vaccinate the whole planet. Why do they want to do that? The vaccine that they have in mind, that they were in the process of developing while they were developing the virus, is a gene-therapy tool. Now, my friends, this is not something to be taken lightly.


Gene therapy... the therapy being a euphemism, the alteration of your genetic code. What is that makes you human? You're an eternal, immortal spirit being. You are in a human body. Your body is as it is because of your genetics. That's what makes you human, and not some other kind of physical form. You're a human because of your genetics. If they can control your genetics, they gain vast access to controlling of all of humanity. And what they wish to do - we've spoken about this just a moment ago - the capping of consciousness; keeping you below that threshold where consciousness awakens to self-responsibility and, yes, it can be done through genetic means. Your genetic code is a lot more than tour science currently, usually, represents. That is to say that most who follow what science teaches would understand that it's purely material. Your genetic code is a collection of amino acids that result in the building of your body and nothing else. Well, it is already understood by certain of your scientists that your genetics are far more than that, and that you can actually manipulate and control the kind of consciousness that can be held, that can be propagated in a body. And the kinds of thoughts that can easily be thought... you can limit the connection between the light body and the physical body by damaging, essentially, the genome. And this is just one of their strategies.


They really are control maniacs, the "Delete". The want total control. They want to control you absolutely and a very powerful tool, that they are almost ready to actually implement, is by controlling your genome. And this is the purpose of the vaccine. Now, when the vaccine arrives, it probably won't be, almost certainly won't immediately have that dire level if activity. Their plan is, to reveal to you after the first vaccine, that, oh, we need regular boosters because your immunity doesn't last that long towards the Corona virus and because the Corona virus mutates and now there's a second flush coming across the earth and we need to vaccinate you again. The idea is to let you believe that each round, each vaccination, this is it but that there will always just be a booster, two, three, four per year for every single human being on planet earth, every year, into eternity. That's their plan: total control. Placing a cap on consciousness.


Why this will fail is interesting. First of all it fails because of the awakening in humanity. There is certainly a sufficient percentage of human beings right now that will resist being vaccinated, just on some instinctive, intuitive level, they say, "This doesn't seem right." And so there will be sufficient refusal that their plans won't work. But, to aid this, there has been a very interesting development. And to discuss this development, I need to take a brief step back and tell you what it is that we, as the Pleiadian civilisation, what do we do when we encounter a viral agent that causes epidemic, or might potentially cause pandemic amongst our civilisation. What do we do? Do we vaccinate? We don't. We've moved beyond the point where we believe it's necessary to have an intervention in the physical body. The bodies are intelligent. They have beautiful, intelligent immune systems, like yours. Our bodies have the same kind of mechanisms. We're also genetic beings. We're very similar to you in many ways. So, what we do, as soon as we discover such a problematic virus, is we take the virus into the laboratory and our technology, our understanding of genetics, DNA, RNA and so forth, is really substantially in advance of your own. I don't wish to gloat, you're doing very well, but we've had tens of thousands of years of uninterrupted development before your civilisation was even in its infancy. So, it shouldn't come as a surprise that we really have mastered these techniques.


And what we do is we take the virus and we look at its genetics and we alter the virus's genetics and release an altered strain, which we call a domesticated strain. You know, if you look at the dog, and you compare a domesticated dog to a wild wolf, dogs vs wolves, wild vs domesticated. Well, a wild viral strain propagates through the population and causes illness. A domesticated viral strain is far, far, far more contagious. Far more likely to propagate through the population - jumps from person to person and propagates rampantly, but is not at all damaging to your health. That's a domesticated strain. Now, if you think about that for just a moment, the domesticated strain will completely outcompete the wild strain because it's far more contagious, but you don't mind, because when you catch it, it causes negligible harm. There is an immune response. Naturally. Your body recognises, here's a virus. Your body knows what viruses are. In your case, the Corona virus. The Corona virus is a mutated member of a family of viruses which your body knows so well. You have colds which are caused by Corona viruses. They are of the same family. Your body knows what a Corona virus is. So, if your immune system is functioning and if you're nominally healthy, and you got the wild strain, you would probably be fine. You'd get ill, not feel well, but you'd get over it. If you get the domesticated strain, you have, perhaps, a day or two, three at the outside, of your body's immune system responding, coping, producing its own antibodies, doing its beautiful, genius thing that it does, which is responding to such a threat. So, this is what we do and this is why we actually, when we have a viral strain like that, we actually pass around little vials and we willingly, knowingly, take a few days off and infect ourselves with the domesticated strain and life goes on. So, that's a domesticated strain. Now, by some, let's call it miraculous divine intervention, there seems to be, what very much appears to be a domesticated strain doing the rounds on planet earth right now. Which means the Corona virus has gone from being a threat to becoming less and less of a threat.


The wild virus is still out there and there are still many human beings with terrible co-morbidities, people who are very ill with all kinds of things, and there is still, at this point a powerful political agenda to drive your demand for a vaccine. So, you are being lied to, wholesale, about the impact and the effect of the Corona virus. People who dies of other things, you are being told they died of Corona virus. The test that is used - the PCR test - is not intended to be used in this way - you get false positives. In every possible way, you are being manipulated to continue to demand the vaccine. It's no longer necessary. If the vaccines were produced by really trustworthy laboratories, whose intentions were absolutely the purest, then I'd say there might be a case for a very small section of the population, those who we know to be at risk, to be vaccinated. The people who have real health problems, people who are old, obese, people who are struggling with problems of the heart, the lungs, the vascular system, there's a case to be made that an ethically crafted vaccine could be used. But, for the rest of the population, given everything that's going on, given the medicines that are available if you get it, that you don't get too ill. Given all that, given what's know, if the medical fraternity and the so-called World Health Organisation were truly all operating from a place of integrity and honesty and authenticity for the greatest good of all of humanity, then there would not be a push, at all, for global vaccinations. So, that then is my update on the subject of the Corona virus.


My friends, there is so much going on and we are able to have this conversation and things are able to proceed as they are because the "Delete" are in as much trouble as they are. They're a many-headed monster. In mythology there was a beast called a hydra, a creature of many heads. That's what they are: they're a many-headed monster. Up until some time, fairly recently, there was one head that bound the others to its will and was controlling this monster and so it was working in concert, working together for total domination and control of the planet. That head has been decapitated. If you want to know about that, we have spoken about that. It was called, The Story of the Ancient Red Vampire. Have a look at that if you haven't already. But, as a consequence, there are now many heads and they're not all playing together. They form temporary alliances. Those alliances break and shift and they attack each other and there's internal conflict and that's why they keep dropping the ball. That's why it was possible, in the last election, in the United States for an agent that doesn't serve them, for an agent not of the "Delete" to win the election. That's why it's possible that it's going to happen again. That's why Brexit could happen and so many of these difficulties that the "Delete" have been struggling with, all stem, really, from the decapitation of their previous head.


So, my friends, what I'd like to say, in closing is that we will be having live events. I will be speaking through Zingdad at live events, coming soon. Live, through the Internet, so not recorded like this format is, but speaking to you in person. If you'd like to join in that, those events will be, finally, to talk about awakening and the elevation of consciousness. To talk about your transformation. To talk about discovering the Divine within, to help you to find that; to help you to bring your own Divine light into your being. So, raising consciousness from self-responsible up to Unity consciousness. So, what we will be doing is addressing this in a number of ways: meditating together and having deep conversations together about awakening. It's really time for us to move the conversation in that direction.


So, as always a fairly lengthy update from me. I look forward to our shared live events. Stay tuned, Zingdad will be announcing that soon. Until then, stay strong. You're doing beautifully.


I love you all with the heart of Oneness. I am Adamu of the monadic entity of the Pleaidian civilisation and I have been coming, as always, to you through my dear friend and scribe, Zingdad. Until next time, goodbye.


