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Adamu Declares Victory!


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Dear Yoni - An interview with Lisa Picard



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Wende & Karen's Spiritual Safari


1Wende and Karen are best friends who also both happen to be Soul Re-Integration clients of mine. And so, when I launched Zingdad's African Spiritual Safaris, they leapt at the opportunity of a spiritual adventure holiday that they could do together.


And so it was that these two intrepid travellers arrived at my nearest airport, all the way from the USA to the Southern-most tip of Africa, for a two week stay in November 2014. Two weeks of fun, friendship, exploration and discovery. They arrived as clients but left as soul-family. All three of us irrevocably changed by our soul-deep interactions.


The inner-adventures that we undertook together are not something easily addressed in a blog post. Suffice it to say that we spent many hours each day in deep conversation, guided meditation and incredibly fruitful voyages of inner-discovery. Which is exactly what Wende and Karen came for. Not so much to heal any particular hurt but to follow their curiosity and delight into greater awareness of Self and more joyous relationship with Life. And not only to have a wonderful experience whilst here, but also to return home with a whole new perspective and an elevated understanding of their own place in the world. And these goals we certainly achieved... as you shall see from reading the ladies' own reviews below...


And besides these many and varied inner-journeys, we also undertook many out-bound adventures together. Most days would begin with a discussion and a meditation before piling into the 4x4 and heading out together.


Below is a small collage of pics taken by the ladies (mouse over each pic for a brief description). And below the pictures are Wende and Karen's reviews of their experiences...


This is the cottage where Wende and Karen stayed......and this is the sunrise view that greeted them each morning from the cottage deck...Fiona is a trained chef that produces such wonders as these each breakfastFiona made sure the ladies were WELL SPOILED when it came to food!After breakfast and perhaps a meditation or a deep discussion... we headed outThere is just SO MUCH beauty around here. One day we went for a long stroll on the beach......and another we went for a drive through the endless forests.Here is the pic take from the back of the truck in the previous pic...And we did a lot of walking in the pristine forests. Here I am with Karen...Its amazing how just being in these ancient forests is healing and rejuvenating... and how it sparks deep and introspective conversation! Here I am with Wende...Walking with the Elephants... This baby elephant was one of the herd of 18 that we walked with, talked to and fed. Another of the many incredible experiences that we shared...At the end of the day, relaxing around a fire before a traditional South African 'braai' (a special local barbecue experienceAs beautiful as they are... these pictures can't capture or convey the tranquility and serenity of the place.... And images of natural beauty can also not share with you how this place touches you, heals you and feeds your soul.  For that you will have to come and see for yourself!


And here is what the ladies had to say about their experiences:


Wende's Review

Traveling from Southern California to South Africa for a two-week Spiritual African Safari with Arn was like a Near Death Experience.

You know, like when you leave the life you know and travel quickly, squished through a little tube.
Then you see a bright light with people you love all around you. They help you look at your entire life (and all your lives) from every direction and see the wonderful impact you’ve had on the whole universe. You also get to see everything that blocks your freedom and how you put those blocks there yourself.
Then you look at your future and see the impact you have on the universe along with the amazing teachers you’ve met and also the powerful teacher you are.
You are given a choice to stay (as you are) or return (transformed). You decide to return! So…back through the little tube you go, and emerge gently into your life, changed and free from the burdens you thought you had before, and ready to live as joyfully and purposefully as you intended.
The Cottage: Fiona and Anthony, Arn’s neighbors, have created an amazing retreat in the forest. It is better than the photos and they are 1,000x more amazing than anyone can tell you. This is an experience that cannot be limited to words. Even if you are not spending time with Arn, if you just want a bit of heaven - go to Tree Spirit Cottage.
Arn: This guy’s the Real Deal! Here’s where other teachers turn for their own growth.
Arn doesn’t tell you what to do. He connects you—or strengthens your connection—to your own Guides and Higher Being. He helps you open the door and gently shows you how to peek inside to see if you want to enter.
And then “all hell breaks loose”…literally…hell’s all gone because it’s not real (something you know intellectually but actually need to experience) and you’re reintegrated with fragments of your Self that you welcome Home with Joy!
The more of my Self I’ve collected the cleaner and clearer my Vision. This is not that temporary clarity you get when you take a vacation and then dissipates when you get back into your life. This is Real Permanent Eternal Transformation and you saunter, mosey, walk, skip, jog, run and then LEAP from there.
The only pain is your resistance to letting pain go.
My recommendation: Find a way to get there.
- Wende from California



Karen's Review


It is extremely difficult to put all of this into words: the forest, as pristine and beautiful as Arn is always saying; the cottage by the pond, serene and homey (especially with Fiona’s cooking and attention); the depth of work you can accomplish with Arn standing right there in front of you... it’s all spectacular and inspiring and expansive!

I have come away transformed, and while it was difficult to leave, when it was time to go I knew I would come home and it would be like new. Things are standing out clearly now, whether they are new ideas popping up for expression or old habits ready to retire.

It is a long trip from California to South Africa, and the experience is worth every minute. I hope some day to return, not just for the abstract and sublime but for the friendships formed in the forest. Thank you, Arn, for opening up this possibility!


- Karen from California


It was my absolute delight and pleasure to share a Spiritual Safari with these two gorgeous souls and I hope they'll return again!  


If YOU would like to have a spiritual safari tailor-made for you (of course you would) then I invite you to visit this webpage where you can find out more...