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Dreamer Awake


Dreamer Awake!
All three modules of Dreamer Awake! are now available!


The final module, The Tools of Creation, is now open for enrolment!



Adamu Speaks New2


All of Adamu's materials, including written works and videos are available here. These articles will later be published as Book 3 of The Ascension Papers.


The latest Adamu release is:


Adamu Declares Victory!


My latest blog article is:


Dear Yoni - An interview with Lisa Picard



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Note: Sadly Zing departed this world in October 2015. I have written about that in this blog post. But, as devastated as I was by his departure, still I celebrate the beautiful, bright life that he lived. So please enjoy this post about a luminous soul in Dachshund form.


I still, quite often, get asked what the name "Zingdad" means. So here is the deal: It's a made-up name that I invented years ago when I first started posting material on internet forums. I needed a nickname for those forums and so my lady-love, Lisa, suggest that I call myself Zing's Dad.  You see I have a little Dachshund to whom I am particularly partial. He is my "surrogate child".  And hence Lisa's suggestion of "Zing's Dad". It took just a little thought and tweaking and it became Zingdad. I liked the name because it has no meaning (I don't have to live up to, or overcome, anyone's preconceptions with this name) and it is also totally unique. Go ahead and google "Zingdad". See what you get?  Only me!  So that's cool.


But the point is, this pseudonym comes from my beloved little dog, Zing.  And so I thought I should introduce him to you.  Here is Zing...


Zing's name is short for ama-ZING. Because he is both SHORT and AMAZING.


From the very moment Zing first arrived in my life as an 8-week old pup, I knew this was one very special little being. He just had a level of self-possession that I seldom see in adult humans let alone dogs... let alone a little pup!


zing pup


Zing immediately stole my heart. I have never fallen in love with anyone so fast in my life. We were instantly inseparable.

zing pup_jacket


How inseparable?  


Well, here is an example:

On a cold winter night I got up from bed to sneak to the kitchen for a midnight snack and Lisa found me en route. Zing came with. But he had to be warm. And... well... Lisa took a photo so you can see for yourself:



But it wasn't just me; Zing charmed everyone he met, human and dog. Everyone that Zing met, fell in love with him. Here's Zing and Hagar...

zing hagar


By this point Hagar was already very old. But somehow he always had patience and time for little Zing.  


But Zing's very best friend would most definitely have to be Gandalf, the Golden Retriever.  Gandalf permitted EVERYTHING from Zing. And if Zing got up to mischief, Gandalf would actually stand between him and the angry parent so that we wouldn't row with Zing.  But Zing's very best was when he learned that Gandalf made quite a comfortable couch to lie on!


zing gandalf


Believe it or not - this became Zing's "normal" place to recline. To this day you will often find Zing in this position on top of Gandalf when we're all relaxing in the evening. Especially when the floor is cold! 


But it doesn't all go one-way. Zing really does adore his big brother. Here is is giving Gandalf nibbles.  He often does this. it's the very sweetest thing. It's a kind of a grooming behaviour, I suppose. Zing nibbles Gandalf all over on his face and Gandalf holds very still and a gentle, happy expression comes over him. I'm convinced these are "kisses" Zing is giving him.


tick removal


Here is Zing helping me to edit The Ascension Papers.  

zing and_dad_working


... and here his is in one of his favourite places: his bed! 

rat in_a_sack


We call this the "Rat in a Sack".  


And there you have it: an introduction to Zing.  


Of course a few words and pictures won't really do the intro justice. But it will have to do. 


Now say "bye-bye", Zing
