

New & Exciting

The latest - and most exciting - additions to this website include:


Dreamer Awake


Dreamer Awake!
All three modules of Dreamer Awake! are now available!


The final module, The Tools of Creation, is now open for enrolment!



Adamu Speaks New2


All of Adamu's materials, including written works and videos are available here. These articles will later be published as Book 3 of The Ascension Papers.


The latest Adamu release is:


Adamu Declares Victory!


My latest blog article is:


Dear Yoni - An interview with Lisa Picard



Who's Online

We have 367 guests and no members online

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Contact us vie This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or webform to book you place!



Do you yearn to experience ecstatic union with the Divine?

Attend this retreat and you will learn to tap into the infinite wellspring of wisdom, creativity, knowledge and power of your own, God-like Inner-Self!

  • Open your life to true abundance in every sphere.
  • Heal all your relationships.
  • Understand yourself in a whole new, loving way.
  • Bring healing to all aspects of your life.
  • Discover, and begin to live, the true, soul-deep purpose of your existence!


arnsmugJoin internationally acclaimed author, healer and way-shower Arn “Zingdad” Allingham for Heart and Mind Aligned, LIVE!… a life-altering journey of discovery of the magnificence of your own true Self.


As an online seminar series, this material has been “changing lives and healing souls” all over the world. And now, for the very first time, you are invited to experience it live, and in person, during a 3-day, intensive spiritual retreat in the heart of the ancient forests in the mountains above Knysna.


What You Can Expect to Learn and Experience

This is not just another lecture series! This is a hands-on guided tour into your own psyche and spirit, featuring personal exploration and guided meditation.


Meet and get to know your own Inner-Self. This is the magnificent, divine creator-being that you really are when you are not incarnated and not restricted by the vast collection of self-limiting beliefs that you currently hold.


Move into life-long conversation with this wise and powerful inner-guru! Gain access to the limitless font of wisdom, creativity, compassion and healing that this being brings to you.

Gentle hatha yoga in the morning*. Deep workshop discussion, guided meditation, exploration and healing discovery throughout the day, and then each day rounded off with Dynamic Dance** before ending in meaningful, soul-deep discussion under the stars at night.


Stay in one of three delightful cottages high in the ancient forests above the peaceful coastal town of Knysna.


Eat three vegetarian, chef-made meals each day prepared from the freshest organic home-grown ingredients OR choose to self-cater.


Participate and share with an intimate group of like-minded awakening souls.


Return home transformed. Reconnected with the immortal divine being that you really are.


Event Details

The group size is strictly limited to ensure that every participant gets everything they need from the experience.


Stay in beautifully appointed cottage accommodation - either communal accommodation or private rooms for couples - or hog a whole double room to yourself!


Choose between a self-catering option - or to be spoiled with 3 sumptuous vegetarian meals per day, prepared by a trained chef in full consciousness of your optimal health from the very freshest, organic ingredients grown right there on the farm.


Begin each morning with a gently supportive yoga* session to bring your body into preparedness for the day’s work in mind and spirit.


Experience rapid, effective and permanent transformation in your consciousness, your self-perception and your life through the deep work done in the each day’s workshop sessions. There are two sessions of about 3 hour's duration each day. Each session is driven by a well proven curriculum and supported with guided mediations and personal experiences that you can have to allow you to really feel into the material and to know your own truth on the subjects under discussion.


End the day with a transformative healing dance experience** which will introduce you to the living intelligent being that your body really is. And then... long, deep, meaningful conversation under the stars before bed!



You’ll receive a data disc packed with detailed course notes (in both text AND AUDIO BOOK versions); guided meditations and videos to keep so that you will be able to revisit the course work at home; deepening your journey with each revisit!


What Others Have Said About Heart and Mind Aligned


I cannot tell you the feelings that flooded through me when I opened my heart connection. It was quite overwhelming. Weeks later I am still tying to come to terms with the power of this. What a revelation!
Carrie-Anne from New Jersey, USA


I can’t believe how I misunderstood my own life! I was struggling with the same basic issue my whole life. Then in a session of Heart and Mind Aligned it all clicked into place for me. I suddenly understood how I was bringing this mess into my life, what it all meant and how to heal myself of this particular drama forever. All I can say is ‘Wow! I get it now!’

Shane from Connecticut, USA


Wow, what a life-changing experience! Thank you, Zingdad, for all that you do! You helped me to get my "heart and mind aligned" and I have to say that has to be the best thing that has happened to my life. Now I am connected and tuned-in!

It's funny - I thought I was coming to you for some help with relationship and work issues. I had no idea how those issues were exactly what I needed to point the way to what was really going on inside me. And now that I understand that, now I feel my whole life is really taking off. I simply cannot thank you enough!

- Kara Thomas from England


I have been on a spiritual path for 20 years now. In that time I felt like I had really searched very far, wide and deeply. And I probably had. But what I found in Zingdad (Arn) was someone that has a wonderful ability to take complex spiritual concepts and make them simple and applicable. What I am saying is that he helped me to see that I already had all the knowledge and wisdom that I needed within myself... but that I just needed to be living it. And then showed me how to do just that! Zingdad's Heart and Mind Aligned course will enlighten and delight no matter where you are on your spiritual journey and I cannot recommend it highly enough.

- Gary Jules in the UK


Dear Arn,

I am so deeply in Gratitude and Appreciation for all that you offer to humanity...

All your products: written, audio, video, and meditations are transforming so many to a better understanding of ascending to a higher dimension...

Helping to understand the past and being in the present, in the NOW,

To work with unconditional love and compassion, embracing and loving the self.

I have no words to really express how much I enjoyed every moment of the precious Being of Love that you are...

I look forward to working with you soon again and again...

Thank you, thank you, thank you...

With Infinite Gratitude, Appreciation, and Love,

- Maria de Lourdes Pedro Matias


Arn is the real deal.

It's as simple as that.

There are so many "gurus" out there making promises. But when you engage with them there is nothing behind the mask. Arn is exactly the opposite. He seems to always "under promise and over deliver". Because what you get with Arn is a real human being who has walked the journey. Who shares from his deep well of wisdom with clarity and generosity.

Every single engagement I have had with Arn, from reading The Ascension Papers to private sessions to Guided Mediation recordings to Heart and Mind Aligned has been profound. Life changing. I cannot recommend his offerings highly enough!

- Dwayne from California


Dates, Times and Venue

The next event will be from the evening of Thursday the 12th of May to the evening of Sunday the 15th of May 2016. Please click here for a detailed itinerary.


If you can't make it this time, but would like to be notified of future events, please sign up for my free monthly newsletter - or contact us via webform. We'll be announcing follow-up events in due course.


The venue is a tranquil, secluded farm high in the mountains above Knysna. It's about a 20 minute drive from Knysna town. You will be given clear directions upon booking.



Between R3 500 and R5 500 per person, all inclusive, depending on your accommodation choices which are as follows:


Option 1: A fully catered double room

A beautiful room with a double bed and your own en-suite private bathroom. Bring a loved one alone, share the room and you pay R5 500 per person, all inclusive. OR, if you value your privacy and want to come alone get the whole room to yourself for an extra R1 000. Option 1 includes three chef-made meals per day.


Option 2: Fully catered communal accommodation

Share a cottage. Either bring three friends and take the whole cottage or meet your cottage mates when you arrive. Sleeping arrangements are "open plan". You pay R4500 for option 2, which also includes three chef-made meals per day.


Option 3: A self-catered double room 

A beautiful room with a double bed and your own private bathroom. Bring a loved one alone, share the room and you pay R4 000 per person, all inclusive. OR, if you value your privacy and want to come alone get the whole room to yourself for an extra R1 000. Option 1 includes access to a fully equipped kitchen in which you may prepare your own meals.


Option 4: Day visitors

The best experience TRULY is to be had by staying up in the mountains for the 3 days but, a very limited number of "day visitors" will be welcomed (subject to a few provisions) at a cost of R3 500 each.


Book Now

I’m sure you will agree that ALL THIS for just R4 500 to R5 500 is really a wonderful offer. And you’d be right, it is! But if you confirm your booking before the end of March, we’ll even give you a 10% early-bird discount!


Are you ready for the journey of a lifetime?


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Click here to contact us via webform!



Is there any additional information you need?


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Click here to contact us via webform!


Optional Extras

There are a number of wonderful ways in which you might deepen and extend your experience:


You may wish to segue your Heart and Mind Aligned retreat directly into a Spiritual Safari! If this interests you, please let me know right away as there is only one of me and I can't offer this option to more than one party.


A great idea is to arrive a day (or more!) early and/ or to depart a day (or more) later. It certainly will add to your experience if you can afford this extra luxury of time and space in this blissfully beautiful setting. You may also choose to have delicious meals laid on during your extended stay. You may want to do some deep 1-on-1 work with me exploring past-lives and healing and re-integrating soul fragments. Let us know, when you make This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., should you wish to avail yourself of these options.


A menu of healing practitioners will be available for the free time between activities and workshop sessions. Should you feel the need to offer yourself that extra support – or simply to pamper yourself with a self-loving, self-indulgent gift, you will be able to choose from Reiki, a variety of massage modalities or a past-life regression session. The menu will be finalised and available for you to select from before you arrive. 


If you will be arriving by air, you will probably want to be collected and delivered right to the venue. This can be arranged for a very reasonable fee.


My Co-Creators

I am blessed to have two co-creators assist me to bring this experience to you:


* Koeriena Deacon will be guiding and teaching each morning's Hatha Yoga class. Please don't be concerned if you have never done yoga before. Almost anyone will be able to join in.  And the benefits you will feel will be huge. Each morning's yoga will align your whole body and prepare it to support you in your days spiritual work. You will really feel the benefit of the yoga!


** Inge Johansen will be leading and facilitating Dynamic Dance each evening. As someone that "never could dance" I can promise you this is unlike any other dance experience you have encountered. Think in terms of surrendering movement to your body so that your body can move as it needs to bring you what you need. Its really more a transcendent, shamanic body-movement session than it is "dancing". And when you let go... delight happens! Given the pace and intensity of the course-work I feel Dynamic Dance, each evening, to be the ideal way to release and surrender so that the days material is integrated in preparation for the next day's work.


This is what Inge has to say: "The dance is a softly lit, safe space where the only steps to learn are deep listening from inside the body, dancers are encouraged to keep their eyes closed and dance an inner dance or to engage with dancers and the space at will with no pressure and we work with intention and prayer for ourselves, our loved ones and all life. Sometimes it is soulful and deep and sometimes playful and cheeky with elements of wild abandon and the transformational bliss of pure freedom in movement and it is different for each of us every time. Beyond all the deep stuff, "to Dance to Our Heart's Content" is simply the most fun way to get the heart pumping without it feeling like exercise!"